Tuesday 1 May 2012

Screenshots - 2007

Scripting when it was still doable, this room still exists but only the tinsel remains. My dabble in scripting and this room screenie I subsequently made kick started my habit of collecting random moments in the hotel worth capturing, I'd not bothered before then, especially as many of my photos within the hotel were snapshots from 2003 onwards anyway. This is the reason for my archive starting as late as 2007 - 3/4/7

'Merf & Lerf' Talkshow, a popular fansite linked duo, talkshows were a big theme in this era - 22/5/7

Battleships in the 'Cunning Fox Gamehall', these rooms had free playable games open to the public - 19/7/7

Prying Habbo staff for info on the new rare, red BBQ. Lost_Witness was the last UK manager - 1/8/7

Another Foxhall game, this time poker - 2/8/7

Badgering visitors for badges, 30/7/7

1 comment:

  1. really good, i like the old Habbo wish i could experience it
